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Zhongning Goji Berry Culture

Goji Berry Health Benefits
Posted:2014-12-20   Views:2885

Goji Berry Health Benefits

Now that we know in details about thepositive effects of the berry on cancer patients and so on, let us understandthe other benefits which are associated with it.
Boosts Human Growth Hormone Production: Human growth hormone productiondecreases as a person ages. For example, a one-tenth of human growth hormone isproduced in a 70-year-when compared with a 20-year-old. This in turn alsolowers energy levels and stores body fat. Consuming these berries boostsproduction of human growth hormone. This is mainly possible because the berriesare a rich source of potassium which is important for health. If your body hasinsufficient potassium level it interferes with the pituitary gland that isresponsible for growth hormone production. The other element which affects theproduction of the growth hormone is the amino acids and the berries are richsource of two amino acids - l-glutamine and l-arginine. Hence, once you startthe consumption of these red berries it increases the hormone levels whichgreatly affect the skin and helps you look more youthful.
Increases Sexual Drive:One of the common Goji Berrybenefits is that it helps in increasing sexual drive which tends to getadversely affected as a person starts aging. The berries increase theproduction testosterone and the fact that this is a well-known aspect manyhealth treatments particularly in Asia includeberries in their sexual tonics which not affects the sexual drive but alsoimproves stamina.
Boosts Energy Levels:  The  improvesthe health of the adrenal glands which de-stresses the individual and enhancesthe stamina and energy.
Enhances Vision: The goji berry include two nutrients - zeaxanthin and lutein -that improves the vision by protecting the retina from age-related diseasesmainly cataracts and diabetic retinopathy.
Controlling Cholesterol: These berries are known to increase production of anenzyme called the superoxide dismutase or SOD. Mainly responsible for producingantioxidants, these SODs are responsible for controlling cholesterol. That isnot all! It also elevates the blood pressure level.
Monitor Vital Organs: So, now that we know that diseases such as cancer and soon can be treated by these berries. What else can these super fruits do? Theyalso help in maintaining the blood sugar level and improve the liver anddigestive system. That is not all; the fruit detoxifies the liver and guards itfrom diseases such as hepatitis virus. It also improves the digestive systemand helps in recovering from diseases such as ulcers.
The fatty acids in the berries stimulate the production of collagen which helpsin acquiring a younger-looking and well moisturized skin.
Sleep Improvement: A rich source of nutrients such as Vitamin B1 and Magnesium,the berries ensure that you get a healthy sleep. While the vitamin alleviatesdepression, magnesium reduces the time taken by people to fall asleep.
