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HomeCultureTraditional Uses Of Goji Berry

Traditional Uses Of Goji Berry

In the TraditionalChinese medical, there are a series of organs which are called the ‘Zangfu’organs: the yin organs are Zang, and the yang organs are Fu. When the body ishealthy, it is in balance – there is a natural equilibrium of yin and yangorgans– although it should be noted that even when your body is  healthy the balance is exact: In thedeconstruction of the yin-yang symbol we see constant change represented, sotoo does the yin-yang of the body change, depending upon internal and externalinfluences. This is a natural state. When the shift in balance becomes morepronounced – when one aspect dominates the other, then we see a compromise ofhealth – a disease.

Goji berries havebeen a staple remedy of traditional Chinese medicine for more than 2,000 years.Known as the "longevity fruit," these small red berries also haveunique immune-enhancing properties. Although goji was described in the ShennongBencao Jing, its use in traditional formulas was rather limited until the endof the Ming Dynasty period (1368–1644). At that time, it was frequentlycombined with tonic herbs such as rehmannia, cornus, cuscuta, and deer antlerto nourish the “kidney” (as  described inChinese medicine) for the treatment of a variety of deficiency syndromes. Thistherapeutic approach, usinggently warming and “thick” tonifying herbs for nurturing the internal organs,

Goji is depicted byChinese doctors as having the properties of nourishing the blood, enriching theyin, tonifying the kidney and liver, and moistening the lungs. It is applied inthe treatment of such conditions as consumptive disease accompanied by thirst ,dizziness, diminished visual acuity, and chronic cough, it is best known as anaid to vision, a longevity aid.


Shen Nong Ben CaoJing (Shennong Herbal) BC 206-AD 200, stated: Goji Berry regularly may regulate the flow ofvital energy and strengthen the physique, which can lead to longevity.strenghten Ben Cau Hui Yan A.D.1624, stated: "Goji enhances the Qi or life force, supports the blood,nourishes the yin yang, removes the wind, and is a very good herb".

Ben Cao Bei Yao A.D. 1694, stated: "Gojiourishes the lung,cleanses the liver, strengthen the kidney to support Qi, increasethe virility, fortify the muscles and bones, removes the wind and brightens theeye".
