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Goji Story

It was during the area of the Zhang Dynasty where the great Ching Emperor, Shen Nung, ruled thecountry called Ching just before the unification of China.

There lived a farmer named Gou Zi who lived with his wife and mother in a village within Ching. At that time, Emperor Shen Nung wanted to unify the other 5 countries that wereruled separately. A decree was announced stating that it was compulsory for allmales to join the army and this required Gou Zi the farmer to do his part forthe emperor.

After a few years of war between all the other countries and the unification of China, Gou Zi was able to return home to his family. Upon his journey back he saw that many of the faces of thepeople he encountered were pale and ill looking. He worried that due to this war food was not an option that many could enjoy. He worried that his wife and mother would have suffered the same fate as most of the other people he had observed.

When he got home, to his surprise, his family’s appearance was glowing with a healthy radiant shineand he was confused yet curious about this outcome. He asked his wife how this was possible. His wife explained to him that during the war they had little food to eat except what was available - the trees that grew by the river bearing red berries. They basically ate them as food.

Gou Qi was amazed with this berry and encouraged the other villagers to eat this fruit as it would help and aid the people in those poor times. Soon the villagers were in a healthy state and they wanted to thank Gou Zi for this fruit and thus named it with the founder’s name. “Gou” comes from the farmer, Mr. Gou Zi and “Qi” from his wife, Qi Zi. So came this name GOUQI which Westerners pronounced Goji.
